Monday, November 3, 2014

8th Week of CSC 165

I was dealing with the assignment #2 this week. Some of the questions was straight-forward, but Claim 1.1 and 1.2 of question 1 were the hard parts and I am still trying get that questions right.
For the lecture, we started to learn a new chapter, the algorithms and Big O. I have not reviewed them since I have a midterm coming and also an assignment.
That being said, I have been doing the assignment as a study for the midterm and I hope that I do well on it.

Monday, October 27, 2014

7th Week of CSC 165

All the first term tests are done and I am trying to adjust to normal life again. Since midterms put me into position where I could only study the upcoming test, I have lost in track of CSC 165 materials. I went to the tutorial without any knowledge of proof. However, my classmates and the TA helped me, so I did the quiz well. I decided to look up the course slides from week 4. The due date for the assignment 2 is coming, so I have to do it. This week's problem solving question was penny piles.

Monday, October 20, 2014

5, 6th Week of CSC 165

Two weeks have gone, and I finished my first csc 165 term test. I have studied a lot and put a lot of effort into this test, because I thought csc 165 is the hardest course I am taking right not. However, the test was easier than I thought. It had the same format as the the past test that prof gave us. The first question was to match python functions and definitions to symbolic statements. It was easy question since there is a similar question on the past test, so I had no difficulties solving that question. Second Question was to negate the given symbolic statement and determine whether the negation or the original statement is true. This question was a challenging question. When I tried to study the past exam, I had a hard time to understand the question. However, I figured out the concept of the question and solved the problem. Third question was about finding true  statement between two symbolic statement. I solved this problem by using venn diagram of three sets and tried to find the case that makes one statement true and one statement false. Overall, I think I will get a mark that I deserve. Assignment two is coming out later tonight. It is time to redo the process I did a month ago, doing CSC 165 work again.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

4th Week of CSC 165

First assignment was due yesterday. Even though I started this assignment weeks before, I was struggling with it until the due date. I found my group mates on Tuesday. We compared the answers and tried to figure out the question which we were struggling with. Question 1 was pretty straight forward one, so I and my group mates had the same answers. Question 1 asked me to negate the given statements and express them in English and symbolic form. To solve this problem, I firstly translated the given statements in symbolic form, then I negated them.
 For example, Question 1 a)'s statement was 'All acronyms are catheterized unless they are bifurcated.'. I changed this statement into symbolic form, \forall a \in A, \neg B(a) \right C(a). And then, I negated it, \thereexists a \in A, \neg B(a) \wedge \neg C(a). I then translated the negated statement into English: some acronyms are neither bifurcated nor catheterized.

The last two questions, number 4 and 5, were the questions that my group was struggling with. We asked TAs few times and we even went to professor Larry's office hour. We were still lost and the due date came. We finally understood the questions and solved them. I felt happy and so were my group mates. We organized the answers and submitted the file.
Mid term test is next week. I still feel I am not ready, but I will try my best to be ready for the test.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

3rd Week of CSC 165

This week's my slog topic would be tutorials. The first tutorial that was held last week was straight forward. The pre-tutorial questions were challenging, but as I had a conversation with my peer during tutorial, I became to understand the material completely. First quiz was easier than I thought and I finished it as soon as I got the quiz.
However, second week's tutorial exercises did not go well. They were hard for me and I mostly guessed the answers even though I took enough time to think and try to solve them. I decided to ask the questions during the tutorial session. However, this was where I found an inconvenient thing about the tutorial. There were too many students for one TA, so I waited a long time to ask questions. There was no time to ask TA about the assignment. For the tutorial exercises, I worked, asked and brainstormed with other groups to figure out the answers. I would rather having TA to show the solution on the board in front of the class when there are so many students having difficulties about the same tutorial exercises. Quiz was, fortunately, easier than I thought.
This week's problem solving case I did with Polya's approach is the following:
"Grasp one end of a strip of paper between the thumb and index finger of your right hand, and grasp the other end between the thumb and index finger of your left hand. Fold the strip of paper once, so that the end of the strip that was in your left hand now is on top of the end that was in your right hand, and the thumb and finger of your left hand now grips the fold at what was the middle. If you were to unfold the strip of paper now, it would have a single crease in a direction you might want to call "down". What pattern of "up" and "down" folds do you get?"

We are to find the pattern as we keep folding n times. Given information would be how it is considered up or down.
I would record the pattern of ups and downs as I fold each time and look for a specific pattern.
1:                D
2:            U  D D
3:        UUD  D UDD
(U represents up and D represents D)
This is what I found as I folded 4 times. I saw a pattern of UUD and UDD being added at each ends with D being the center as I fold once more. So if I fold 5 times, the pattern would be:
4. Looking Back
The question asked for the pattern of "up" and "down" folds I get. I successfully found the pattern.

I have an assignment due next week, so I better ask questions about the assignment as soon as possible. I should visit computer science help center or professor's office hours.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

First, Second Week of CSC 165

September 8th was the beginning of my life's new chapter and I went to CSC 165 lecture class on that day. Although I've taken some computer science courses before, I had no idea what CSC 165 was all about. Professor Heap began the first lecture with introducing CSC 165. He then talked about the ambiguity with few examples that we were required to find what was ambiguous about them. It was hard for me to find it since my first language is not English. However, I've thought enough  and talked to my classmates to figure out how the examples were somewhat ambiguous. So that was how the first week has passed. I've learned about a bit of quantifiers and problem solving with some examples using python. One thing that I remember the most during the first week of lectures was Polya's approach to solve a problem.

We then moved to more details about the quantifiers. I was taught how to evaluate quantified claims (existential or universal). Examples were gone over using venn diagrams and sets. Important concepts of implication, converse and contrapositive were introduced. We went though numerical examples of expressing above concepts and also expressing implication in natural language (English).

Lastly, I want to write up about the streetcar problem-solving episode using Polya's approach:
Person A: I haven't seen you in ages! How old are your three kids now?
Person B: The product of their ages (in years) is 36. [You begin to suspect that B is a difficult conversation partner].
Person A: That doesn't really answer my question. . .
Person B: Well, the sum of their ages (in years) is | [at this point a fire engine goes by and obscures the
rest of the answer].
Person A: That still doesn't really tell me how old they are.
Person B: Well, the eldest plays piano.
Person A: Okay, I see, so their ages are | [at this point you have to get off , and you miss the answer].

I was to find the ages of the Person B's children.
The given information of this problem was that the product of their ages is 36 and
the fact that eldest playing piano led Person A to find their ages.
Since the only given information was the product of their ages, I should find all the combinations of ages that fulfills the product to be 36.
Since 'eldest' was mentioned, the first two children should not be twins. So these are the possible combinations: (9,4,1) (9,2,2) or (4,3,3). It was also mentioned that even though Person A has not seen Person B in ages, Person A knows about 3 children. It means that  the youngest should not be newborn baby. The combination of (4,3,3) satisfies the conditions and it should be the answer.
4. Looking Back
I read this question again and followed my solution. It was the best solution I could give. There could be another approach to this question, but I am very convinced with what I brought up.

The course materials have been hard and challenging for me. However, reading the course note, even doing SLOG and tutorials helped me to study the materials we have covered so far. My future posts will not be this long, but I will do my best to express thought about this course through this blog frequently (hopefully).